Avaloq Developer
Bucher Consult AG
Our Team
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Career Coaching
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Distance Job-Coaching
Permanent Assignments
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Your Offer
"do not hire a man who does your work for money,
We care for your success!
Your partner for recruitment and career coaching
but him who does it for love of it"
H.D. Thoreau
Do what you can. with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosvelt
We are what we repeatedly do
excellence, then, is not an act
but an habit.
It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look
further than you can see.
Winston Churchill
We cannot influence where the wind blows, but
we can hoist the sails and navigate.
Expectations are a form of first-class truth;
If people believe it, its true.
Bill Gates
You select the path that you want to take - and we will
accompany you along the way.
Permanent contract.
Avaloq Developer
Your Job in a multi-cultural team near Zurich:
Business Analysis, specification and parametrisation in the area of costs, service management and support, user consulting, project member with further responsibilities in testing.
Technical environment: Avaloq Certification, Oracle, PL/SQL
Your profile: Banking experience, University degree in IT, 3+years of practical experience with avaloq and very good coding skills, English and German written and spoken. Some practical experience as business analyst would be nice to have.
Workplace: Zurich
Ettenbergstr. 16
CH-8903 Birmensdorf
Bahnhofstr. 52 CH-8001 Zürich
Tel.: +41 43 344 83 19
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Jobs Tax Analyst International IT-Security – Expert or Beginner Avaloq Developer
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